Sweaters are one of the items chosen and worn a lot in winter. However, after a period of use, the shirt often lengthens due to the nature of the shirt as well as the way it is washed. So, what should you do if your sweater is too long? How to fix a long sweater? Follow this article to get the answer right away!
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What to do if the sweater is too long? Simple way to fix a long sweater

Long sweaters are different from other long shirts. For shirts made from other fabrics, cutting and repairing is completely simple. However, with sweaters, we cannot cut and adjust them arbitrarily. If you are having a problem with your sweater being too long and don’t know how to fix it. You can apply some of the methods below.
Use a belt to reduce the length of the sweater when wearing: This method can be applied to reduce the length of the sweater. Besides, it also creates a highlight for your outfit. Try it!
Sử dụng dây lưng để giảm chiều dài của áo len khi mặc
Use a belt to reduce the length of the sweater when worn
Fold the hem of the sweater: You can also reduce the length of the shirt by folding the hem of the sweater. You can use a needle and thread to fix the fold line and shorten the shirt as quickly as possible without cutting.
Tucking in when wearing: This is also a good way if you don’t want to affect the length of the sweater. Tucking in when wearing – how to fight the fire when the sweater is too long. Please tuck in neatly when wearing, this will not reveal the length of the shirt.
Sơ vin khi mặc - cách chữa cháy khi áo len quá dài
Tucking in when wearing – how to fight the fire when the sweater is too long

Choose suitable pants or skirts when mixing clothes: In addition to tucking in, you can wear basic by choosing the right item to wear with a sweater. That way, you don’t need to fix your shirt but can still have a beautiful, impressive outfit.

Chọn chân váy phù hợp
Choose a suitable skirt

How to wash and preserve sweaters at home

Keep the sweater always new and not stretched, affecting the length. You can refer to how to wash and preserve below.

How to wash a sweater in a washing machine without losing its shape

Here are instructions on how to wash a sweater in the washing machine so it doesn’t stretch:
  1. Step 1: Start the process of washing the sweater by folding it and placing it in the laundry bag. Place this laundry bag in the chamber of the top-loading washing machine and select hot water combined with detergent specifically for wool.
  2. Step 2: Use your hands to gently press the laundry bag, helping the water penetrate evenly into the shirt. Start the washing machine at medium speed for about 25 seconds and soak the sweater in the washing water for about 30 minutes.
  3. Step 3: Switch the washing machine to the spin drying program. Make sure the machine runs for at least 2 minutes to ensure the water has been squeezed out.
  4. Step 4: When the washing process is completed, take the laundry bag out of the washing machine. Keep your hands firmly on the sweater when taking it out to avoid the sweater from stretching out.
  5. Step 5: Prepare a large, absorbent towel and spread it out on the table. Place the sweater on the towel and adjust its shape to keep it as it was when you first bought it. Change your towel every day and adjust your shirt gently to maintain its shape. Wait for the sweater to dry within 3 days to ensure the natural elasticity is not lost.
Cách giặt áo len bằng máy giặt sao cho không bị mất form
How to wash a sweater in a washing machine without losing its shape

How to wash a sweater by hand so it doesn’t stretch

For washing sweaters, if possible, wash and clean by hand. This will ensure the shirt does not stretch. Washing method is as follows:
  • Step 1: Start the sweater washing process by pouring hot water into the sink and adding specialized wool detergent. Place the sweater in the sink, let the water slowly soak into the outfit, keep the sweater in the water for about 20-30 minutes.
  • Step 2: After soaking, turn off the water and wait for the water to fall. Use gentle hand pressure to remove excess water. Remember not to wring or twist the shirt with your hands to avoid further stretching of the wool fibers.
  • Step 3: Use a dry, absorbent towel to wrap around the sweater and gently squeeze the sweater to remove remaining water. Place the sweater in a pillowcase to optimize the drying process.
  • Step 4: After squeezing the water, spread a dry towel on a large table and place the sweater on it. Wait for the shirt to dry completely in about 3 days. This method helps the sweater maintain its original shape without losing the natural elasticity of the wool fibers.
Cách giặt áo len bằng tay sao cho không bị giãn
How to wash a sweater by hand so it doesn’t stretch

How to preserve sweaters at home

Storing sweaters at home requires care and attention to keep them looking new and beautiful. Here are some ways you can do it:
  • Fold and hang: Fold the sweater carefully to avoid wrinkling and maintain its shape. If possible, hang the sweater on a padded hanger to maintain its shape.
  • Store in a moisture-proof bag: Place the sweater in a moisture-proof bag or nylon bag to protect it from damp and moldy environments.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: Do not expose the sweater to direct sunlight, as this can discolor the sweater and weaken the wool.
  • Organize by season: If possible, organize sweaters by season to make them easier to find and keep them in top condition.
  • Limit the use of sweater hangers: Avoid hanging sweaters on hangers for too long, as this can deform the shoulders. Instead, fold the shirt and hang it “over the shoulders” style to maintain its shape.
  • Do not put heavy objects on the sweater: Avoid placing heavy objects on the sweater when storing, because pressure can deform the sweater and lose its shape.
Cách bảo quản áo len tại nhà
How to preserve sweaters at home

This article has helped you know: What to do if your sweater is too long? How to fix a long sweater simply at home? Let’s consult to overcome this situation in the most effective way!