Are you looking for a way to remove lipstick stains from white shirts? This article will help you understand how to do it yourself. Let’s follow along now!

Use 90 Degree Alcohol

90-proof alcohol is known for its ability to break down fats and grease, so it can be an effective choice for removing lipstick stains from white shirts. To use 90-degree alcohol to remove lipstick stains, you can follow these steps:
  • First, prepare a clean cotton ball or towel.
  • Pour a small amount of alcohol onto a cotton ball or towel.
Dùng cồn 90 độ
Use 90 degree alcohol
Applying Alcohol to Lipstick:
  • Use a cotton ball or towel soaked in alcohol to gently apply the lipstick stain on your shirt.
  • Apply evenly and gently so that the alcohol can come into direct contact with the lipstick stain, helping to decompose the oily ingredients in lipstick.
Leave and Inspect:
  • After applying the alcohol, let it sit for a few minutes. Observe to see if the lipstick stain fades.
  • If the lipstick stain remains, you can repeat the application of alcohol again.
  • Once the lipstick stain has faded or disappeared, wash the shirt in cold water.
  • Use laundry soap or regular detergent to ensure the lipstick stain is completely removed.
Apply Laundry Soap
Laundry soap is a popular and effective choice for removing all types of stains, including lipstick, especially on white fabrics. Here’s how you can use laundry soap to remove lipstick stains:
  • Take a small amount of liquid laundry soap or use a bar of laundry soap.
  • If using a bar of soap, you can scrape some of the soap powder out.
Apply Soap Directly:
  • Apply liquid soap or scraped soap powder directly to the lipstick stain.
  • Make sure the lipstick stain is covered with soap.
Tẩy vết son trên áo trắng
Remove lipstick stains from white shirts
Light Scrub:
  • Use a toothbrush or soft brush to gently scrub the stain.
  • Rub in gentle circular motions so the soap can penetrate deep into the fabric fibers and help break down the structure of the lipstick stain.
To Soak and Test:
  • Let the soap soak into the stain for a few minutes.
  • Check to see if the lipstick stain fades. If the stain is still strong, you can repeat the scrubbing process and let the soap soak in one more time.
  • Once the lipstick stain has faded significantly, wash the shirt under cool water or according to regular washing instructions.
  • Using cold water to wash helps prevent stains from setting on the fabric.

Using Baking Soda and Water

Baking soda is a natural and safe detergent that you can use to remove lipstick stains from white shirts. This method is often effective, especially on grease-based stains like lipstick. Here are the steps to apply baking soda and water:
Create the Baking Soda Mixture:
Mix baking soda with a small amount of water to form a paste.
The amount of baking soda and water can be adjusted to achieve the desired consistency, but a common ratio is about 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water.
Dùng baking soda
Use baking soda
Applying the Mixture to the Lipstick Mark:
  • Use a spoon or knife to apply the baking soda mixture directly onto the lipstick stain.
  • Make sure the lipstick stain is completely covered by the mixture.
To Soak:
  • Leave the baking soda mixture on the stain for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Baking soda will dry and absorb dirt from fabric fibers.
Light Scrub:
  • After the mixture has dried, use a toothbrush or soft brush to gently scrub the area where the mixture was applied.
  • This will help remove the lipstick particles that have been dissolved by the baking soda.
  • Wash the shirt under cool water to completely remove the baking soda mixture and stain.
  • Use regular laundry soap if needed to ensure the shirt is completely clean.

Use White Vinegar

White vinegar is a natural cleaning solution that is especially effective in removing stains from greasy substances, including lipstick. Here’s how to use white vinegar to remove lipstick stains from white shirts:
Prepare White Vinegar:
  • Prepare enough white vinegar to treat the stain.
  • You can use pure white vinegar or dilute it with a little water if you’re concerned about fabric sensitivity.
Applying Vinegar to Lipstick Stain:
  • Apply white vinegar to a clean cloth or cotton ball.
  • Apply directly to the lipstick stain, making sure that the stain is completely covered by the vinegar.
Cách tẩy mốc trên áo trắng
Use white vinegar
To Soak:
  • Let the vinegar soak into the stain for at least a few minutes. Vinegar will help break down the oils in lipstick and loosen stains from fabric fibers.
Scrub Lightly If Needed:
  • If the lipstick stain is still strong, you can use a soft toothbrush to gently scrub the area treated with vinegar. Be careful to rub gently so as not to damage the fabric.
  • After treating with vinegar and gently scrubbing, wash the shirt in cold water to completely remove the vinegar and stains.
  • Use normal laundry soap to wash the shirt as usual.
This article tells you how to remove lipstick stains from white shirts. Let’s refer and apply to clean clothes in the most effective way!