If your or your child’s uniform is moldy and you don’t know how to handle it. Let’s see the simple instructions on how to remove mold from moldy uniforms below!

What causes uniform shirts to get moldy?

Uniforms can get moldy for many different reasons, including:
  • High humidity: When uniforms are stored in a humid environment with insufficient ventilation, mold and bacteria can grow quickly. This often happens when the shirt is stored in a box or in a damp closet.
  • Uncleanliness: If uniform shirts are not washed and dried completely before storage, bacteria and mold can grow on stains or moisture on the shirt.
  • Not drying completely: When washing a shirt, if the shirt is not completely dried before being packaged or stored, bacteria and mold can grow on the shirt due to residual moisture.
  • Unventilated storage environment: Storing shirts in unventilated bags or boxes can create conditions for bacteria and mold to grow.
  • Storage period: Uniforms that are not used for long periods of time can easily become moldy as bacteria and mold can grow in storage conditions that are less mobile and have less exposure to sunlight. .
Áo bị mốc
Shirt is moldy

How to handle moldy uniforms

When you discover that your uniform is moldy. Here are the steps you can take to resolve this issue:
  • Separate moldy shirts: First, separate moldy uniforms from other items in the wardrobe. To prevent bacteria and mold from spreading to other items.
  • Mold removal: Use a brush or soft brush to remove mold stains on the surface of the shirt. You can carefully clean it by brushing gently so as not to damage the fabric.
  • Washing the shirt: After removing the mold, wash the shirt with warm water and detergent. Choose a powerful washing mode to completely remove bacteria and mold.
  • Dry completely: After washing, dry the uniform completely. To prevent bacteria and mold from regrowing. Use a high heat setting on the dryer or leave the shirt out in the sun.
  • Use anti-mold: If you want, after the shirt is completely dry. You can use mold inhibitors to prevent bacteria and mold from regrowing in the future.
  • Check and clean the wardrobe: Make sure that the storage environment of the uniform is dry and ventilated. Clean the wardrobe periodically and use means to absorb moisture. For example, desiccant bags. To prevent bacteria and mold from growing.
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How to preserve uniforms at home

To effectively preserve uniforms at home and keep them in the best condition. Here are some suggestions you can refer to:
  • Wash properly: Always follow the washing instructions on the shirt’s label. Use detergent suitable for the fabric and color of the shirt. If possible, hand wash shirts that require extra care or on a gentle cycle in the washing machine.
  • Dry properly: Dry your uniform at low or medium heat. Avoid using high temperatures as this may damage the fabric fibers. And it can also reduce the durability of the shirt.
  • Wet and dry ironing: After washing, wet the shirt and flatten it to dry on a hanger. This helps avoid wrinkles and keeps the shirt in the best condition.
  • Store in a dry environment: Store uniforms in a clean and dry closet. Avoid storing the shirt in a damp environment, as this can encourage bacteria and mold to grow.
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