If you own white shoes but unfortunately your shoes are dirty. So, how to remove stains on white shoes? Let’s refer to this article to get the answer!

Why do white leather shoes often get dirty?

White leather shoes often get dirty for the following reasons:
  1. Light colors: White makes dirt and stains more visible than dark colors. Even small stains are easily visible on the surface of white shoes.
  2. Exposure to the environment: Shoes are often exposed to dirt, mud, rainwater, and other environmental agents. These dirt easily stick to the surface of white leather shoes.
  3. Shoe leather: Shoe leather is a porous material that can absorb dirt, grease and other liquids, making stains easier to penetrate and more difficult to clean.
  4. Daily use: Shoes are items that are frequently used every day, subject to many impacts from walking, friction, and collision, increasing the possibility of dirt.
  5. Lack of maintenance: If shoes are not regularly maintained and cleaned, dirt and grease will accumulate, causing shoes to quickly become dirty and lose their shine.
  6. Stains from clothes: Dark clothes, especially jeans, can wash away the color and stick to white shoes upon contact, causing unpleasant stains.


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White leather shoes often get dirty

Ways to remove stains on white leather shoes

To remove stains from white leather shoes, you can follow these steps:
Tools to prepare:
  • Soft towel or cotton wool
  • Clean water
  • Mild soap or baby shower gel
  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Body lotion or olive oil (optional)
Làm sạch giày da
Clean leather shoes

Preliminary cleaning:

  • Use a soft towel or cotton ball dipped in clean water, wring it out gently, then wipe over the surface of the shoe to remove dirt and surface stains.

Treat light stains:

  • Mix mild soap or baby shower gel with warm water. Use a soft towel or cotton ball dipped in this solution and gently wipe the stain on the shoe. Then, wipe again with a clean cloth dipped in water.
Treat stubborn stains:
  • Mix baking soda and white vinegar in a 2:1 ratio to form a paste.
  • Use a soft toothbrush or cotton towel to absorb this mixture, then gently rub on the stain.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.
  • Let the shoes dry naturally in a cool place. Avoid drying in direct sunlight or using a dryer because it can damage the shoe leather.
Shoe leather care (optional):
  • After the shoes are completely dry, you can apply a layer of lotion or a little olive oil on the shoe leather surface to keep the leather soft and avoid cracking.

Some ways to preserve white leather shoes

Properly storing white leather shoes helps keep them clean and beautiful. Here are some ways to preserve white leather shoes:
Clean regularly:
  • Wipe off dirt and stains with a soft, damp cloth.
  • Use specialized leather shoe cleaning products for deeper cleaning.
Store properly:
  • Store shoes in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight and moisture.
  • Use shoe molds or stuff newspapers into shoes to maintain shape and absorb moisture.
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Preserving white leather shoes
Avoid contact with water:
  • Avoid wearing white leather shoes on rainy days or in muddy places.
  • If your shoes get wet, dry them immediately and let them dry naturally, avoiding exposure to sunlight.
Note when using:
  • Avoid strong friction and impact with hard surfaces.
  • Change shoes regularly so they have time to rest and dry.
Preserving white leather shoes requires patience and regular care, but if done correctly, you’ll keep your shoes in top condition.
The article shares how to remove stains on white leather shoes. Let’s refer to how to best use and preserve shoes!