If unfortunately your shirt is stained with wind oil stains but you don’t know how to effectively remove wind oil stains from your shirt. Please refer to the article below to better understand how to do it!

The reason why clothes are stained with wind and oil is difficult to remove

Clothes stained with oil and wind that are difficult to remove can be due to the following reasons:
  1. Grease properties of wind oil: Wind oil contains greasy compounds, making it stick tightly to fabric fibers and difficult to remove by normal washing.
  2. Penetrates deeply into fabric fibers: Oil can penetrate deeply into fabric fibers, making it more difficult to remove than surface stains.
  3. Water resistance: Some ingredients in wind oil are water resistant, making it difficult for water and detergents to penetrate and clean the oil.
  4. Chemical reaction: Petroleum jelly can react with some detergents, creating new compounds that sometimes make stains stick harder.
  5. Not treated promptly: If the oil stain is not treated immediately, it can dry and adhere to the fabric, making it more difficult to remove later.

cách tẩy vết dầu mỡ trên quần áo

Effective ways to remove oil stains from clothes

To effectively remove oil stains from your shirt, you can try the following methods:

Use warm water and soap:

  • Soak the shirt in warm water for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Apply soap directly to the oil stain and scrub gently with your hands or a soft brush.
  • Wash the shirt normally.
Using rubbing alcohol or alcohol:
  • Pour a little rubbing alcohol or alcohol onto the oil stain.
  • Use a clean cloth or cotton ball to lightly absorb and rub gently.
  • Then, wash the shirt as usual.
Dùng cồn 90 độ
Use 90 degree alcohol
Detergent and warm water:
  • Mix a little washing powder into warm water.
  • Soak the shirt in this mixture for about 30 minutes.
  • Gently scrub oil stains with your hands or a soft brush.
  • Wash the shirt again.
Use white vinegar:
  • Mix a little white vinegar with warm water.
  • Soak the shirt in this mixture for about 20-30 minutes.
  • Gently rub the oil stains.
  • Wash the shirt again.
Cách tẩy mốc trên áo trắng
How to remove mold from white shirts
Using baking soda and water:
  • Mix baking soda with water to form a paste.
  • Apply this mixture to the oil stain and leave for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Rub gently with a soft brush and then wash the shirt again.
Use specialized detergents:
  • Use specialized detergents available on the market.
  • Follow the instructions on the product packaging.
  • How to clean clothes so they don’t get dirty

Choosing clothes to avoid getting dirty not only helps you maintain a clean appearance, but also saves time and effort in doing laundry.

Fabric material is an important factor that determines whether your clothes are susceptible to dirt or not. Some fabrics are more stain resistant than others:
  • Polyester and nylon: These are synthetic fabrics that have good water and stain resistance, making it easy to wipe off stains if they stick.
  • Wool: Natural wool fabrics are stain-resistant and do not absorb water easily. However, choose high-quality wool to ensure durability and comfort.
  • Waterproof fabric: Fabrics treated with waterproof or oil-repellent technology will help limit soiling.
The color and pattern of clothes also affect how clean they are. Some suggestions for colors and patterns:
  • Dark colors: Dark-colored clothes like black, dark blue, and gray show stains less than light colors.
  • Patterns: Patterns such as stripes, checks, or small patterns can hide stains better than plain fabric.
This article tells you effective ways to remove oil stains from clothes. Let’s refer to how to remove stains and keep clothes and clothes clean!