Cotton fabric is known as one of the most popular fabrics in the garment industry today and has great demand in the market. What is cotton fabric? What are the properties of this fabric? What are the pros and cons of cotton fabric? How to recognize cotton fabric ? These are the questions that few people grasp and understand exactly about this fabric. So let’s refer to the article below for more useful information about cotton fabric!

What is cotton fabric?
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Cotton fabric is known to be made from fibers woven from naturally grown cotton or synthetic fibers containing fibers of woven natural cotton. This fabric is usually fluffy, soft, lightweight, porous, absorbs sweat and has good elasticity. Therefore, cotton fabric is considered one of the popular and high-class fabrics that many people love to use.

How to recognize cotton fabric

To identify what cotton fabric is and which cotton is of high quality, there are the following distinctions:

  • With the naked eye, we can see that the cotton fabric surface is extremely smooth, flat without feeling rough or rough
  • Unlike poly or khaki fabrics, when touched, they will feel rough, thick, heavy,… Then the cotton fabric line has an extremely recognizable point that when touching the fabric feels extremely soft, slightly fluffy, lightly held
  • In addition, you can use your hands to test the elasticity of the fabric, if the fabric has good elasticity, this is really cotton.

Advantages and drawbacks of cotton fabrics


  • Cotton fabric is a popular fabric, which can be used for many different types of clothing, as well as a variety of purposes and industries.
  • Besides, cotton fabric is also considered one of the high-end fabrics on the market because the fabric is derived from nature, so the fabric is safer than other fabrics, ensuring no skin irritation, suitable for all ages from adults to children.
  • In addition, cotton fabric also has a sweat-absorbing function that is extremely superior to other fabrics on the market. With tropical weather with intense summer heat like in Vietnam, this can be considered an extremely suitable material for consumers.
  • Moreover, cotton fabric also has extremely good elasticity, suitable for people to exercise comfortably all day long without worrying about tightness or tightness


  • Cotton fabric due to its good elasticity, so when used for a long time, it will lead to the condition that the fabric is easily pasty, melting the fabric after use, washing, ironing,…
  • Besides, cotton fabric due to its natural origin, so its properties will easily fade compared to other materials when exposed to the sun.
  • In addition, cotton fabric also has 1 limitation that when printing on the fabric surface (especially embossed), the printed material will not be as beautiful as other material lines such as poly, cold elastic, the print will have a broken condition when the shirt is stretched or used for a long time.
  • Due to the nature of cotton, soft fabric, the product is prone to wrinkles, difficult to keep form than other materials that are less elastic.

How to use durable cotton fabric

Cotton fabric is a popular, safe and convenient fabric for consumers, despite some limitations. However, if we grasp some tips when using the product, it will help the product last longer and last longer:

  • Limit pickling of cotton-based products, especially colored fabrics.
  • After washing the product, turn the shirt upside down before drying
  • Avoid direct contact of the surface of the shirt with the sun to avoid UV rays that cause fading.
  • For products made from cotton, it is recommended to limit product stretching so that the product retains its best form.


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