Are you looking to buy uniforms for company employees? Are you the manufacturer of the business? New to the uniform market? You have not found a reputable sewing unit? Do you lack understanding of the fabric for your uniform? Don’t worry, let’s refer to the article below to pocket right away, tips for choosing “Top 5 best materials for t-shirt uniforms 2023”

See also:
Why choose fabric before sewing a uniform?
In order to produce finished T-shirt uniforms in particular as well as uniform products in other industries in general, the quality factor of fabric is always an essential factor that is paid top attention.

4 reasons why you should choose fabric before ordering a uniform
First of all, as you can also see for garments, fabric is the main material, mainly to create products.

Not only that, the selection must also be directly related to the function and purpose of using the product. For example, you choose to sew uniforms for restaurant staff, the nature of having to travel a lot, the fabric must be cool, lightweight, absorbent to sweat. Or if you choose to sew a workwear uniform for workers at the construction site, you must consider giving priority to dense fabrics, resistant to abrasion and rubbing, but still meet the spacious and comfortable nature for the convenience of workers to move, …

Besides, choosing a clear source of fabric of clear origin is also extremely important. Because uniform fabric is garment on the body, the surface of the fabric material is in direct contact with the user’s skin. So if the fabric you choose is of unknown origin, poor quality, contains many toxic impurities, it will directly affect the user’s health.
In addition, the fabric material also affects the aesthetics of the costume after the finished product. Whether the uniform stands in form or not, whether the color is sharp or not, whether it is durable after washing or not all depend on the material of the fabric that constitutes the product.
Top 5 best t-shirt uniform materials 2023
Currently, T-shirts are becoming one of the favorite models of many business units, chosen as uniforms for employees. If you are also in need of sewing T-shirts as uniforms, please refer to the top 5 best fabrics for T-shirt uniforms today!
1, Cotton fabric

Cotton fabric is one of the extremely popular fabrics for the fashion apparel industry. Cotton fabric is composed of synthetic fibers such as natural cotton fibers combined with other artificial fibers that form .

The fabric has mineral properties, good sweat absorption, foam, softness, good elasticity … Very suitable for making costumes for people who have to work constantly, or small children.
Besides, cotton fabric has fast-drying properties, has high durability, suitable as a material for uniforms in many industries.
The fabric surface is quite porous, soft, does not create a feeling of coolness but is still smooth. However, cotton fabric is easy to print, so the fabric is more prone to wrinkles than other fabrics.

In terms of price, cotton fabric is now one of the fabrics with a cheaper price than other fabrics, suitable for consumers’ pockets. Depending on the structure of the added preparation material, the cost of cotton fabric will also have a different difference.
2, Kaki fabric
Kaki fabric is the 2nd preferred fabric in the garment market. Kaki fabric originated in 19th century India, Kaki fabric is woven from 100% cotton fibers or cotton fibers crisscrossed with synthetic fibers.

Kaki fabric has outstanding features that are a thick, durable fabric surface, resistant to friction abrasion, in addition, the fabric still meets the properties of spaciousness, breathability, good sweat absorption,.. suitable for sewing workwear uniforms.
Khaki fabric is usually classified into 4 main types: Elastic khaki fabric, non-elastic khaki fabric, cotton khaki fabric, polyester khaki fabric.

In addition, khaki fabric also possesses the advantages of less wrinkles, good form retention, diverse colors ,… help users freely choose fabric models when ordering uniforms.
However, khaki fabric suffers from some limitations because the fabric is often rough, hard, poor elasticity, difficult to create stylized designs that are only suitable for simple clothes. Therefore, they are less commonly used for the fashion uniform industry, or fashion outfit models.

In terms of price, because Kaki fabric is usually used from 100% cotton fiber components, the cost of this fabric will be slightly higher than some other popular fabrics on the market.
3, Kate Fabric
Kate fabric is composed of cotton yarn blended in proportion to PE artificial fiber. Kate fabric is widely used in the field of garment, bedding, pillows ,…

Due to the composition of cotton fiber, Kate fabric also possesses good sweat absorption, breathability, softness, good elasticity,….
In addition, because the fabric is composed of PE artificial fibers, kate fabric limits wrinkles more than cotton fabric, keeps its form well, is more durable and the fabric surface is smoother. Often applied for sewing uniforms: shirts, casual pants, business dresses ,…

Kate fabric currently on the market is divided into many diverse types, depending on the proportion of constituent fibers, origin, fabric characteristics ,… but kate fabric will be given different names such as: Kate Silk fabric, American Kate fabric, Kate polin fabric ,…
On the other hand, compared to other fabrics, kate fabric also faces some limitations such as easier wrinkles, easy to flabby ,….the cost of some high-end kate fabrics is also more expensive than regular fabrics.

4, Cold spandex
Cold elastic fabric is known to be a fabric made up of 100% artificial fear of PE.

The fabric has outstanding features that are smooth, silky fabric surface, feeling cool to the touch, light, not ruffled,…
T-shirts made from cold elastic fabric will look at it will feel extremely glossy fabric, beautiful colors,… The fabric has 1-way elasticity, less wrinkling after washing, high durability, less fading even when exposed to direct sunlight.
In addition, cold elastic fabric still faces some limitations such as poor sweat absorption, but the fabric has good breathability, sweat absorbs quickly to dry, limiting heat accumulation to help the wearer feel the airiness and dryness.

Currently, cold elastic fabric is being widely applied as an apparel: sportswear, class shirts, family shirts, group clothes, company uniforms,…
In addition, the cost of cold elastic compared to other fabrics on the market is often cheaper than fabrics composed of other natural fibers.
5, Crocodile fabric

Crocodile fabric is a fabric woven from cotton yarn interwoven with spandex yarn and large strands to create a beautiful looking chain surface shape.
In terms of fabric surface, crocodile fabric has a surface feature that is not as smooth and smooth as other fabrics but will often feel lumpier.

Although the surface of crocodile fabric is not as smooth as other fabrics, crocodile fabric possesses the advantages of keeping good form, soft fabric, good elasticity, effective sweat absorption,…

Especially with the nature of light fabric, it is very suitable for choosing T-shirt uniforms for restaurant staff, service staff,….
Hopefully, the information we provide above will help you choose for yourself the most useful information about the uniform fabric.
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